“Just Do it: Explaining the Characteristics and Rationale of Chinese Economic Sanctions,” Texas National Security Review, Vol 7, Issue 3 (Summer 2024).
“Signals, Deterrence, and QUAD,” Asia Policy, Vol. 17, No. 4 (October 2022), pp. 43-48.
“Explaining Chinese Military Coercion in Sino-Indian Border Disputes,” Journal of Contemporary China, June 2022.
“Explaining China’s Large-Scale Land Reclamation in the South China Sea: Timing and Rationale,” Journal of Strategic Studies, Feb 2022.
“Bringing the Economy Back In: Economic Development and China’s Grand Strategy,” Journal of Indo-Pacific Affairs, January 2022.
“Strategies, Signals, And Conflict Propensity: Rising States, Declining States, And Contemporary U.S.-China Relations,” Journal of East Asian Studies, Vol. 20, Issue 2 (August 2020), pp. 161-172.
“Cautious Bully: Reputation, Resolve, and Beijing’s Use of Coercion in the South China Sea,” International Security, Vol. 44, No. 1 (Summer 2019), pp. 117-159.
Winner of the 2019 International Studies Association Patricia Weitsman Award for the best graduate student paper in security studies
“Alliances with Chinese Characteristics? The Conceptualization and Effects of China's Strategic Partnerships.” (Submitted for a special issue at International Politics)
“Evaluating the effectiveness of the PLA in China’s SEA strategy.” (Working paper)
“Third Party Intervention And Alliance Choices In Civil Wars – The Chinese Civil War As A Case.” (Working paper)